Blueberry Morning Productions in association with CallitGames LLC Presents Lucky Dog Stories

Blueberry Morning Productions in association with CallitGames LLC Presents Lucky Dog Stories

Lucky Dog Stories

No Gas


I had a dream this morning well actually three, but I can only remember was the middle one. I was on a train at SDC. not the regular train, but a new one. you could see landscape out the right side, but along the left size was a huge astroturf wall maybe 60 ft tall. I looked at the vistas along the right and heard people remarking on them. I m not sure who I was with. I looked to the left and along the top of the wall were 10' tall plastic drain hoses. Some water ran down the wall and got on the passengers. I made a joke, I think to my aunt, that it was nuclear waste water. Cold water I called it. Then we were at the depot. I walked in and fell down on the floor, I looked up and there was a dance revue going in guys in tuxes and girls in feather boas. The room was divided into parts and I thought that the dancing was usually over in the part that had chairs in it. I say down in the front and Kym sat behind me. They told us that the president was there so the show would be different. I looked around and there was Obamas family seated back and to the right. There were only a few sattered people and the waitress said that everyone else was probably enjoying the park instead of this boring show. Aubrey showed up and sat behind me next to Kym. *edited for maturity* She left and here comes Fred Armiston. I start saying, "Hey your the guy that plays that guy" He starts laughing and then he starts choking me. I cant breath but Im still laughing. Jeremys there and he tells Fred that his favorite character is the one that talks about the headlines and never says anything. I agree. (not finished)


Comic book subscriptions, Magic Cards, and Discount Video Games available. (under construction)



We were a hot mess and I loved it.
We caroused in bars and stumbled home.
Argued semantics til we passed out.
And woke up all lovey.
We were a hot mess and I loved it.

We were a hot mess and I loved it.
We were free as the wind confined by each other
Flowing hampered by doubt
We were a hot mess and I loved it.

We were a hot mess and I loved it.
Fights about fights over fights
resolutionless and paved over
We were a hot mess and I loved it.

We were a hot mess and I loved it.
Any time we could be at church, bowling, consoling,
hosting, baring, sushi, chili, anywhere.
We were a hot mess and I loved it.

We were a hot mess and I loved it.
Our uniform could have been sweats or slacks. Jeans or shorts.
rescue or vandalaize; save or harm
We were a hot mess and I loved it.

We were a hot mess and I loved it.
We laughed we cried, we gossiped and yelled.
We participated in the worst of silence.
We were a hot mess and I loved it.

Behind the Scenes of My Home Page

I feel so proud to finally be published on the web.  I want to thank my friends, family, all my supporters and most importantly God.


4-9-10 178wks